Master Surendran

Accredited Feng Shui Master, Vastu Consultant and Bio Energetican


A little bit about Master Surendran…

The beauty of a structure and the purpose behind a specific design would be quite intriguing and with my passion for photography this would set my thoughts on fire. This made me get curious and pushed me deep in to the study of Vaasthu and Fengshui.

A degree in electrical engineering made it easier to understand the concept of magnetic fields, energy flow, EMI, radiation which had a great bearing on structures and all the theories and practice of Fengshui and Vaasthu science. My intuitive skills developed over a period of time made me realize that these were nothing but different forms of energy which was documented so exhaustively many years ago and formed the core of Fengshui in China and Vaasthu in India.

With a formal training in Vaasthu and exhaustive and theory and practical training under great Grand Masters of China for Fengshui, I have been practicing this art and science for many years now. The skill to integrate both vaasthu and fengshui to give benefit of both the techniques has been much appreciated due to the excellent results.

Having widely traveled across the length and breadth of India and with clients from across the globe from countries like USA, Switzerland, UAE, Japan, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia my consultations and remedies have always been interesting and fascinating to the clients who have adapted Fengshui and vaasthu which has transformed their lives positively.

Featured across the globe in over 27 Newspapers and Magazines, and interviewed in 23 Television shows in India and abroad, my skill in adapting fengshui in areas like Film Making, Stage events, garden, fashion, and food have won accolades.

Wherever we live whatever we do, all of us come under the mercy of natural laws of forces and this acts the same way on every one. Authentic fengshui based on Compass and time period calculations, enables us to counter these forces and control them and the knowledge and experience I have accumulated over a period of time has been of immense value in providing the right solution.

Fengshui is not just an oriental art but a science to harness the natures energy and bring about changes in our daily lives, for this the right approach and the right skills are essential and sharpening my skills and updating the knowledge bank has been a continuous endeavor ensuring that each individual who seeks my service gets nothing but the very best and the most authentic and time tested remedy.

http:// www. was just a spark and working on it I realized that this web site offers information on the subject for all those who wish to know more and the monthly updates and information makes them keep coming back for more.

How to connect with Master Surendran…

Master Surendran’s LinkedIn Page


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