Andy Hogg

Founder of The Bushcamp Company

A little bit about Andy…

Andy Hogg founded The Bushcamp Company in 1999, having grown up in Zambia's Copperbelt he developed a relationship with the Luangwa while still at school. After studying in South Africa and having gained experience in the hospitality industry there, Andy returned to the Luangwa to work alongside Phil Berry at Chinzombo Lodge, where he eventually became General Manager. Having set up The Bushcamp Company Andy took over Chinzombo's two bushcamps – Kuyenda & Chamilandu – (which are today still part of our portfolio) and built the company up to the six bushcamps and Mfuwe Lodge it operates today. Andy helped design and develop each of our camps and runs The Bushcamp Company with a loyal team of staff he has built up over the past decade. A qualified guide and very keen photographer, Andy is also responsible for our marketing and spends several months a year travelling the globe visiting tour operators and enjoying a few quieter moments fishing.

How to connect with Andy and The Bushcamp Company…

The Bushcamp Company’s Website

The Bushcamp Company’s Facebook & Instagram Pages


Andrés Saavedra Benitez


Kane Sarhan