Bev Maloney-Fischback

CEO, Founder, & Publisher of Organic Spa Media


A little bit about Bev…

Bev is the Founder and CEO of Organic Spa Media, LTD. A global citizen of the world, with childhood into adulthood experiences in Asia, Africa and Canada, Bev brings a unique perspective into the core message of wellness living. With over 35 years in the media industry, Bev is recognized as an expert marketer, astute media executive and wellness lifestyle entrepreneur. Her career has been defined by her ability to pair opportunity with success among a wide range of industry sectors.

Prior to launching Organic Spa, Bev held senior management positions at Advanstar Communication Inc, IMG (International Management Group) and MPR Canada, an international media representation firm. MPR Canada’s roster included esteemed international media outlets such as Condé Nast (Vogue, Gourmet and The New Yorker magazines,) Times Mirror (SkiMagazine), the Washington Post, among others.

Savvy and tailored, Bev is a sought-after expert and influencer in the wellness lifestyle space. She is a member of many industry associations and organizations (ISPA, Green America, Global Women 4 Wellbeing, Global Wellness Summit, Green Spa Network, Wellness Tourism Association, etc.) She has been recognized in numerous press outlets for her achievements, most recently in FORBES magazine for her role as a leading female owner/entrepreneur in the wellness media  space, has contributed as a speaker on various wellness industry panels and has been a regular guest on NBC’s local affiliate morning shows.

How to connect with Bev and Organic Spa Media…

Organic Spa Media’s Website

Bev’s LinkedIn Page


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